What Class Do YOU Want?

Welcome to Scratch and Sniff Canine Services, and thanks for checkout out our classes!

My name is Emily Fisher. I’ve been in the dog industry since 2009, and I hold certifications through two major third-party certifying bodies for dog trainers and behaviour consultants. I encourage you to read more on the About Me page.

But let’s talk about classes, hosted by Dreamland Pet in Elora!

At the bottom of this page you’ll find a button that will take you to a class request form. If there’s a lot of interest in a particular class I’m happy to run it! If you have general questions, please contact me directly through email.

Click on the name of the class below for more details on the program.

Agility Class

Obstacle courses are great for building partnership and focus as you and your dog learn how to navigate equipment together – and it’s a ton of fun!

Rally Obedience Class

“Rally-O” combines leash walking and obedience skills and puts them to work in a course made up of stations. This is a great way to teach skills in focused leash walking!

Sniffer Dogs Class

Scent Detection is a fun way to tire out your dog, and learn to appreciate the power of your dog’s nose!

Tricks Class

Tricks class is so much more than “Give a Paw” – did you know that you can teach your dog to do things like blow bubbles in water, run in a backward circle around you, go puppy-bowling, and more? Your imagination is the limit in this class!

What class do YOU want up next on the schedule?!

Let me know what class you want, and I’ll run it as soon as there’s enough participants! Just click the button and fill out the form to indicate what class you want to attend.

Classes currently run on Thursday nights at Dreamland Pet in Elora. Private/in-home training is available only in Guelph.

Tricks Class

Let’s hang out and teach your dog cool stuff in a low-pressure, fun group class environment. Tricks are a great way to teach your dog (and you!) how to communicate effectively with each other and bond with your pooch in a way that doesn’t happen with cuddles alone! (but of course cuddles are an important part of the picture!)


Starting Oct 24th, 7:15pm
Running 6 weeks

We’ll be introducing some more advanced tricks in this run of the program!

$289+HST OR $280+HST when paid by e-transfer


This program will be running out of the training hall at Dreamland Pets in Elora

Dreamland Pet
6484 Wellington Road 7
Elora, ON, N0B 1S0


  • Submitting registration/payment indicates acceptance of the group class policy
  • Dogs must be happy to train for treats in a group class environment
  • Prerequisite behaviours, taught with positive/clicker training
  • Props will be provided for use during class time. Props for home use can be purchased at your local Dollar Store
  • View the free Orientation Webinar prior to starting class and for info on training method

Book your Spot!

Contact the office with questions before registration

  1. Click the button below to save your spot
  2. To confirm your spot: payment must be made within 24hrs of receiving the invoice

Puppy, Manners and Obedience Training

Unlock your dog’s full potential by focusing on building strong behaviours and a strong relationship through rewards-based training.

We’ll meet one-on-one in your home or neighbourhood in Guelph, in another predetermined location in Guelph, or through virtual video conferencing, to put in place the strategies and education you and your dog need to meet your manners and obedience goals.

Manners and Obedience Training

Manners are important, whether we’re talking about polite leash walking or not stealing your dinner off the counter! Mannerly pooches are invited into public places, and it takes more than wishful thinking to make this happen.

In our customized training packages, we can address a multitude of manners and training goals, such as:

  • Come when called
  • Polite leash walking
  • Settle and stay
  • Door dashing
  • Counter surfing
  • Jumping to greet
  • And more!

Puppy Socialization

Puppy Training extends beyond sit, come and stay! It’s critical to get puppies off to the right start through facilitating safe and proactive socialization (hint: this doesn’t mean meeting every single person and dog…), cultivating your own understanding of developmental and age-appropriate behaviour and expectations, and how to manage a puppy in the home day-to-day.

Do You Need EXTRA Support?

Check out Day Training for premium training programs if you need support beyond routine training sessions and resources. In Day Training, I will come to your home to train your dog or puppy while you’re at work or going about your day-to-day life, and transfer these skills to you in our regular coaching sessions.

Do You Have BIGGER Problems?

If you’re seeing behaviour such as:

  • Aggression
  • Fear
  • Reactivity – barking/lunging
  • Resource guarding/Food or toy aggression
  • Separation anxiety
  • Over-simulation, overwhelm, or frantic behaviour
  • Redirected aggression
  • Aggression or fear of handling/vet/groomer

Take a moment to navigate over to the Behaviour Consulting webpage for information specific to your needs.

Private Dog Training in the City of Guelph, Ontario

Let’s Train Your Dog!

  1. Click here for details and package pricing
  2. Review Policy and FAQ
  3. Complete the inquiry form by clicking the button below

Group Classes

Upcoming Group Classes
at Dreamland Pet in Elora

Starting Oct 24th
6pm Rally Obedience Level One
7:15pm Tricks
(Want to request a class? Fill out this form!)

Come train with us in a fun, low-pressure group class environment – Positive reinforcement isn’t just for our dogs, you deserve it too!

You can find upcoming classes listed above, or the drop down Group Classes menu to see what other classes will be scheduled soon!

Do you want a certain class to run? Let us know on this request form!

Our group classes are hosted by Dreamland Pet in Elora, located at 6484 Wellington Road 7, Elora.

Employment Opportunities

There are currently no employment or volunteer opportunities.

Please do not submit unsolicited resumes, resumes are not kept on file. This page will be updated if a position becomes available.


It’s important for you to understand policies prior to registration in any service or program. Policies exist in order to keep services running smoothly, and to offer equal and fair treatment to all of our valuable students.

This important information is written in language that is clear and easy to understand. Take a moment to review this information before registering for any program or service, as registration and/or payment indicates acceptance of these terms.

Follow these links to Policy for each type of service. Day Training is included in Private services.

Raising a Pandemic Puppy!

Briar came home January 1st 2021 – Right in the middle of a STRICT COVID lockdown!

A puppy’s Socialization cannot be put on hold no matter the reason. Every week is an eternity in the life of a puppy, and we need to take strategic advantage of this sensitive time in a puppy’s life to set them up for success in our human world.

Follow along with Briar’s first months at home, and how I still made Socialization happen from day one despite being in the middle of a winter COVID lockdown.

Want to know more about what Socialization REALLY is? Read this first.

Behaviour Consulting

Emily Fisher, an IAABC-certified dog behaviour consultant, will guide you through the process to resolve your dog’s problem behaviours. Consults include discussion, visuals, demonstration and hands-on training with your dog, in addition to plentiful resources and follow-up.

Did you know…

Some pet insurance companies will cover private training for behaviour modification! Contact your insurance provider to find out if your dog is covered. We do not direct bill.

Addressing Dog Behaviour Problems such as:

  • Reactivity, fear or aggression directed toward people
  • Reactivity, fear or aggression directed toward dogs or other animals
  • Resource guarding (food/toy aggression)
  • Handling for husbandry, veterinary visits and grooming
  • Fear or reactivity triggered by objects or environments
  • Arousal/over-excitement
  • Any other problem stemming from “Big Feelings”!

Do you have a young pup or manners troubles? Check out this information instead!
We do not offer service dog training.

Private Dog Training in the City of Guelph, Ontario

Let’s Train Your Dog!

  1. Click here for details and package pricing
  2. Review Policy and FAQ
  3. Complete the form by clicking the button below

Virtual Training Set-Up and Prep

Set up your training space ahead of your lesson in order to make best use of your session time. Take a look at the below information.

Read the FAQ here.

Private Training Students

Do this BEFORE your private session:

  • Take your dog out to pee
  • Put down a yoga mat or rug if the floor is slippery
  • Have all equipment and props ready in your training space
  • Chop up your treats BEFORE your lesson. This is important!
  • Set your device on a stable surface with good visibility of your training space. You may receive additional specific instructions private training.
  • Set up your camera in a landscape position – wider than tall.
  • Ensure that you will not be backlit
  • Put other household dogs into another room, and let your family know that you need quiet time.
  • Close other programs on your computer, and ask others in the home not to stream during your session time.
  • Download ZOOM and test the program prior to your first session, ensuring the both your camera and microphone work. Visit the ZOOM website for details.
  • Sign into ZOOM at the specified session time by clicking on the link in your session reminder email.
  • Contact your instructor by email (not phone) immediately if you are having tech problems!
  • For your Initial Private Session: We will begin with discussion, so prep the above but you may start out in a comfortable spot to talk before working your dog.

Have these items ready for your private session:

  • Treat pouch A fanny pack or a rock climbing chalk pouch will work fine. This makes your job easier!
  • Clicker 
  • Moist or semi-moist treats – About 300pcs. Cut all treats to about the size of a large pea, or smaller for smaller dogs. Chop treats in advance, not during your session.
    • Store-bought treats: Rollover logs, dehydrated organ meats, Ziwi Peak, etc.
    • Cook and chop meat from the grocery, such as: chicken breast, steak, pork chop, chicken hearts/gizzard, beef/pork heart, pre-cooked hot dogs, cheese, ham, etc. 
  • 4-6ft leash – no flexi leashes
  • Tug toy – Long braided fleece toy or ‘stuffless’ toy if your dog enjoys tugging.
  • A front-attaching body harness for all lessons outside of the home and for behaviour modification. Please no choke, ecollars or prongs.
  • A food-stuffed toy (like a Kong) if your dog is likely to be antsy during breaks and demos. It’s important for your dog to remain settled and not barking.

Virtual Training FAQ

Welcome to VIRTUAL training! You probably have lots of questions, like whether this can actually work… the answer is ABSOLUTELY. Have a look below!


But, seriously, you can train dogs… ONLINE?

Absolutely! Outside of weekend workshops, all of my continuing education is conducted through various virtual formats. This includes HANDS-ON skills training! I’ve found this format to be incredibly beneficial for me and my dogs.

Does it matter where I live?

Yes – due to insurance restrictions, we are accepting only students located in Canada at the time of the training service.

What are the technology requirements?

  • You need a basic level of computer/internet literacy, including navigating a webpage and taking videos
    • Life Skills and Virtual Training for Distractions: Internet capacity that permits viewing and uploading of videos
    • Private Training: High speed internet that allows for clear video conferencing over ZOOM
  • A computer, phone or tablet that:
    • Has a functional microphone
    • Has a functional camera
    • Can connect to the internet
    • Some Private Training will require more than one device (phone/tablet/computer)
    • Optional but encouraged – bluetooth wireless headset
  • Method to hold up your phone/tablet (this can be as simple as an upside-down egg carton to support your phone, tape your phone to a paper towel holder, or a tripod/camera stand)

What Policy applies?

All regular policy applies. You can find Group Policy here and Private Policy here. Purchase and/or registration indicates acceptance of applicable policy.

All-Ages Life Skills Program and Virtual Training for Distractions

How does it work?

Using a virtual classroom called Google Classrooms, you will be introduced to new exercises with demonstrations, verbal descriptions and written instructions. The modules include a Module Presentation – this is exactly the same explanation and demonstration that you would receive in an in-person group class!

Each exercise is broken down into easy-to-follow steps, and you will receive entirely personalized feedback on your training.

  • Work at your own pace and on your own schedule!
  • Join ANY time!
  • Receive feedback and guidance on your training homework five days a week, and access the classroom 24/7
  • Eight-week access to dynamic content and personal feedback on your training and questions
  • Save the Program Manual for reference after completing your program

Can I see the classroom before booking the class?

You’re welcome to join the test classroom to get a feel for the layout and format before joining Virtual Life Skills! Just follow these steps:

How does the flexible schedule work?

You can join the program ANY week, and you can work through the modules entirely at your own pace throughout your eight-week program.

Will I see other people, and can others see me?

Your homework will be submitted privately to your instructor, and feedback will be returned privately, only your name will be visible. You also have the option to participate in discussion with your classmates if you wish, and add your dog to the student introduction document.

Will I learn the same things as in a regular group class?

Yes! The curriculum has been modified to cater to this virtual experience, and the class maintains the same manners and obedience exercises as in the in-person class.

How does virtual instruction and feedback on my training compare to in-person classes?

In a virtual class you actually have access to significantly MORE personal feedback than an in-person class! In an in-person class, you get feedback only in that one hour. In a virtual class, you have access to feedback five days each week. After making the modifications suggested, you can request further feedback on how to adjust or perfect the training exercise.

Additionally, you have access to written notes provided by your instructor, which means you have a personal reference point when you incorporate these changes into the training exercise.

You’ll also receive feedback on your training in real-life situations, and environments where you walk and train your dog in day to day life. That can’t happen in a classroom!

What about distractions?

Did you know it’s actually more effective to teach a behaviour before adding distractions? This approach actually better caters to learning needs of both people and dogs, versus an in-person class.

The self-paced format means that you can post follow-up videos from the lessons and receive feedback on whatever aspect of the lesson you would like, including introduction of distractions that you encounter day-to-day.

You’re also welcome to follow up the Virtual Life Skills program with the Virtual Training for Distractions Program, where distraction training will be the explicit focus.

What if I have questions about topics not included in the Life Skills Curriculum?

In order to provide the best training service, problems outside the scope of the Life Skills program will require a private consultation so your instructor is able to gather the information necessary for a complete response to your concerns. You can find information on the Private Session webpage.

How do I prep for my training sessions?

You can find all of this information on the Virtual Training Prep page.

Can I switch between the Virtual and In-Person classes?

No. While these programs cover similar topics, they are two distinct programs. The only exception is in case of COVID lockdown or related issue when in-person students will be welcomed into the Virtual program to complete their training.

Private Training

Which sessions are virtual?

Private training and behaviour consultations are currently running in both virtual and in-person formats, depending on the nature of the issue addressed in the session.

Initial sessions will continue to take place in a virtual format, and follow-ups will be decided on a case-by-case basis. For example, resource guarding in the home may be addressed in a virtual format, and outdoor reactivity sessions may be addressed in-person. 

We cannot guarantee that a request to meet in-person can be granted. Due to health and safety implications, availability of in-person sessions is not based solely on client preference.

How does it work?

Using a video conferencing program called ZOOM, we will meet in our “virtual classroom” at the designated start time.

Just like an in-person private behaviour consult, we will review your dog’s behaviour, your instructor will introduce and demonstrate exercises, and you will work with your dog on each skill. ZOOM allows you to receive personal feedback in real time, and questions about each exercise answered on the spot.

For some training problems, you will need multiple devices to record your dog at two angles, or a helper to hold your camera. You may have additional technology requirements such as bluetooth headphones. Contact the office for details.

Can any behaviour problem be dealt with virtually?

Please provide the office with some information about your dog’s behaviour, and where you are seeing this occur, and we will decide whether a virtual consult is the best route forward – particularly if you live too far to travel to the facility for in-person follow-ups. Contact the office here.

What do I need to do to prep for my session?

You can find that information on the Virtual Training Prep page, as well as the Behaviour Consultation page. You will also be sent information applicable to your situation.